Welcome to the North Metro church of Christ. We are committed to helping each other lead lives devoted to Jesus and helping all people develop a life giving relationship with God.
Regardless of where you are on your journey, we’re sure you’ll find our congregation welcoming and our teaching inspiring and relevant to your life. Whether you’re interested in coming to one of our services or attending one of our special events, we hope that you will give us the opportunity to know you.
When you read the Bible, you will find that there is no mention of many of the “churches” that we see today. There is no mention of creeds or varying theologies among churches. There is one Church that is spoken of with Christ as the founder and head of that Church. And so we seek to be "Christians Only." We seek to simply follow and obey the living Christ according to his word in the Bible without getting entangled in denominational posturing. We simply want to be Christians and enjoy the eternal blessings of knowing God.
God has accomplished many incredible things through Jesus Christ. He has revealed himself in a concrete way. He has completely fulfilled the promises to restore all things through the Messiah. He has masterfully made atonement for our sins. However we must respond to the good news about Jesus Christ if we wish to take part in what God is doing through him. Otherwise, the work of Christ has as much impact on our life as and unopened bottle of pain killers has on a headache.
God loves us and wants a relationship with us. We need to accept his invitation to form a relationship with him thorough faith in Jesus.
Not A Denomination
For this reason, we are not interested in man-made creeds, but simply following the teachings of the New Testament. We do not conceive of ourselves as being a denomination but simply members of the church which Jesus established and for which he died.
And that, incidentally, is why we wear his name. The term "Church of Christ" is not used as a denominational designation, but rather as a descriptive term indicating that the church belongs to Christ.
We recognize our own personal shortcomings and weaknesses--and this is all the more reason for wanting to carefully follow the all-sufficient and perfect plan God has for his people.
Jesus said, "If you are truly my followers you will obey my teachings. Then you will know the truth. And the truth will set you free." John 8:31
We encourage you to get to know Jesus Christ who died for us and was raised from the dead to prove he is the Truth and gives all people freedom from the burden of sin and the brokenness of this world.
We hope and pray that you will consider the things above. We pray that you will look into these things in God's Word for yourself and find true freedom.
If you have read this page and you are seeking to know more about the Lord or about his word, please reach out to us and we will be glad to assist you in your search. Call our office, send us an email, or visit one of our meetings.